ARexx - what's it all about then Dave?
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Welcome to the wonderful world of the Directory Opus Magellan II ARexx interface

Come aboard for a fascinating journey through the twisted mind of an unqualified person who is trying to impart some knowledge upon other people.

It'll make you laugh, it'll make you cry.

WARNING: Parts of this guide have been subjected to a 'dry' sense of humour, if you find one please return it to the owner.

SECOND WARNING: This part of the tutorial was originally an AmigaGuide document. It has been mechanically translated into an HTML document, so it doesn't look as good as the rest of the tutorial. The management wishes to apologise for this and remind you that your statutory rights are not affected.

DISCLAIMER: Some of the stuff in this guide works better in AmigaGuide form.

LATE BREAKING NEWS: After playing around with this tutorial in it's hastily converted HTML format, I can tell you that I think HTML sucks :-/ None of the examples will run from within the HTML, do yourself a favour and load the AmigaGuide version folks ;-)

  1. The Opus Screen/Window

  2. Version and Errors

  3. Getting information from the user

  4. Opening and Closing Listers

  5. Giving the user some feedback

  6. Finding and Setting Lister Attributes

  7. File Manipulation and Information

  8. Calling the Internal Commands

  • Using OpusFTP Functions
  • Missing Directory Opus 4 commands?

  • Troubleshooting

  • Integrating Opus and other Programs

  • Some ideas for you to start with :) Wouldn't want me to wear my brains out :)

  • ArcDir.dopus5

  • Example 1: Opening a lister to the path of your current shell
  • Example 2: Changing your shell path to the same as the lister
  • Example 3: An improved DOS-DOpus script (Example 1)
  • Example 4: Copying Source lister to Destination lister
  • Example 5: Swapping the Source and Destination listers
  • Example 6: Changing the background every 30 seconds
  • Example 7: Simple ARexx module #1
  • Example 8: Simple ARexx module #2
  • Example 9: Using a module to do other things
  • Example 10: A Simple Custom Handler for a Lister
  • Example 11: A Simple Custom Handler for an AppIcon
  • Example 12: Improving the internal commands
  • Example 13: Cloning Source listers
  • Example 14: Comparing files in two listers
  • Example 15: Adding a bit of Win95 BLAH!!
  • Example 16: Adding a simple directory tree function

  • Example: Finding All listers
  • Example: Finding the Active lister and the State
  • Example: Finding the current Source lister
  • Example: Finding the current Destination lister
  • DOpus PLUS - giving you that bit extra...